Foundation Phase

FP Christmas Gala
Yesterday morning our Grade 2 and 3 girls were welcomed to the pool with sunshine and Christmas spirit.
FP Christmas Gala
Intergrade Visits
The journey continues as our FP students prepare to move up to the next grade.
Intergrade Visits
Grade R Christmas Fun
The girls explored the different maths skills of symmetry, spatial relationships, problem solving and measurement whilst building a “forest” of Christmas trees.
Grade R Christmas Fun
New Grade 3 Jungle Gyms
After the mid-term break a little surprise was waiting for our Grade 3s in the playground - a new jungle gym!
New Grade 3 Jungle Gyms
Grade 1 Gardening
The Grade 1s had fun getting their hands into the soil and learning about new beginnings and the growth of a pea.
Grade 1 Gardening
Grade 3 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Grade 3’s have loved exploring the topic of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
Grade 3 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Grade 1 Paper Boats
Our Grade 1 pupils recently made paper boats. Wax crayons were used to cover the hull and the girls were amazed to discover that their paper boats were able to float.
Grade 1 Paper Boats
Grade R Christmas Art
It’s nearly Christmas! The Christmas spirit has floated into Grade R as we begin to weave our way through the different and exciting parts that make up the most joyous day of the year.
Grade R Christmas Art