Our Patron Saint
Angela Merici was born during the Renaissance (about 1474) in Italy. Captivated by Christ's love, generously open to the needs of others and a woman of prayer, she was sensitive to the critical social and spiritual needs of her times.
Our Patron Saint

Angela Merici was born during the Renaissance (about 1474) in Italy. She was a woman of prayer, who was inspired by Christ's love, generously open to other people's needs, and sensitive to the critical social and spiritual needs of her time. She and her first companions dedicated their lives to God and his work.
Brescia House School was founded by Ursuline Sisters, who have poured their resources and skills into developing the school, and continue to do so for the benefit of all Ursuline Sisters and all laypeople around the world who share the conviction that Angela Merici's educational vision is a living and proven model that satisfies the deepest needs of our time. With Angela's writings, we are left with a deep heritage of Christian principles of education that have been developed and enriched in Ursuline schools worldwide for the past four centuries and continue to be the living legacy of this rich educational network. Unity comes about through the quality of our network of colleagues, in our manner of relating to one another, and in maintaining occasions for rejoicing and celebrating together. At the centre of true unity lies prayer and worship. We emphasize that this unity and harmony does not exist solely for our benefit; instead, it creates the strength to reach out to all those who need our help and care, including the poor and needy in any way, including everyone, with a broad understanding of the common good.