Intermediate Phase

Primary School Equestrian News
Isabella Band and her pony Simply Sebastian have been chosen to represent Central Gauteng in both show jumping and equitation at the Gauteng Finals which will be held on the 30/31 July. Congratulations Bella and best of luck for the finals.
Primary School Equestrian News
Mandela Day 2022
Brescia House School once again encouraged their entire community to support the 67 Minutes for Mandela Day by using their unique skills and talents to create something for others.
Mandela Day 2022
Catholic Schools Hockey Festival
The Grade 7 hockey team participated in the Catholic Schools Festival on Saturday 9 July. They played 5 games and only lost one of those games.
Catholic Schools Hockey Festival
St Mary’s Hockey Festival
Congratulations to our Grade 6 Hockey Team who participated in the St Mary’s Hockey Festival on 9th July. The team played 4 matches. They won 2, drew 1 and lost 1.
St Mary’s Hockey FestivalIP Interhouse Winter Sports Festival
The Brescia House School Intermediate Phase held their annual Interhouse Winter Sports Festival on Friday morning.
IP Interhouse Winter Sports FestivalIntermediate Phase Pajama Day
Today was the Intermediate Phase’s turn to wear pyjamas to school to celebrate yesterday’s winter solstice.
Intermediate Phase Pajama Day
Father's Day Essay Competition
Congratulations to Warona Kekana and Ines Balipursad on being placed first and second in the Sandton Chronicle Father's Day Essay Competition.
Father's Day Essay Competition
Grade 3 and 4 Rosary Walk
Our Grade 3 and 4s walked a decade of the St Angela Rosary Walk.
Grade 3 and 4 Rosary Walk