Catholic Schools Mass

Catholic Schools Sunday is a traditional celebration in our Catholic schools and in our Parish communities. Our pupils and teachers who are part of a parish and a school go out into their parishes to lead the singing, reading, and serving. Brescia House School educators and learners alike, enjoy sharing their lived experience in our schools with the parish community.
This year, the Brescia House School Primary School learners and teachers served at the 6pm Mass on Saturday, 28 May at the Church of the Resurrection. The sounds of our angelic choir voices filled the church and contributed to the beautiful Mass. On Sunday, 29 May, it was the High School that led the Liturgy of the Word and mesmerized the congregation with beautifully sung hymns. Father Keith was thanked for allowing the Heads the opportunity to present to the congregation about the values of Catholic education.
Like so many of the faithful across the world in different Churches and Cathedrals, we joined in celebrating Christ’s Ascension into Heaven. #CatholicSchools #Serviam