
Grade 6 Farewell

The excitement of the farewell lunch mounted as the Grade 5s held an official ceremony to invite the Grade 6s to this special event.

Grade 6 Farewell

23 November 2022

Grade R First Assembly

This morning we welcomed our Graduating Class of 2034 to their first Primary School Assembly.

Grade R First Assembly

Intergrade Visits

The journey continues as our FP students prepare to move up to the next grade.

Intergrade Visits

Grade R Christmas Fun

The girls explored the different maths skills of symmetry, spatial relationships, problem solving and measurement whilst building a “forest” of Christmas trees.

Grade R Christmas Fun

Alumnae Reunion

What a wonderful Saturday morning at school hosting three class reunions - 2012, 2002 and 1982.

Alumnae Reunion

New Grade 3 Jungle Gyms

After the mid-term break a little surprise was waiting for our Grade 3s in the playground - a new jungle gym!

New Grade 3 Jungle Gyms

Grade 1 Gardening

The Grade 1s had fun getting their hands into the soil and learning about new beginnings and the growth of a pea.

Grade 1 Gardening

Grade 9 21CLD Climate Change

This term the Grade 9s have been very busy with their 21st Century Learning projects with some of them choosing Climate Change as one of their projects.

Grade 9 21CLD Climate Change