
Grade 3 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The Grade 3’s have loved exploring the topic of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
Grade 3 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Grade 1 Paper Boats
Our Grade 1 pupils recently made paper boats. Wax crayons were used to cover the hull and the girls were amazed to discover that their paper boats were able to float.
Grade 1 Paper Boats
Triathle and Biathle World Champs
Isla Thomas took part in the Triathle and Biathle World Championships in Madeira, Portugal, on 29th and 30th of October.
Triathle and Biathle World Champs
Gauteng Sports Awards
Congratulations to: Grace Prince: Finalist – Amayanga-Yanga Athlete of the Year: Life Saving; and Ms Michelle Joubert: Finalist – Technical Official of the Year: Hockey
Gauteng Sports Awards
Grade R Christmas Art
It’s nearly Christmas! The Christmas spirit has floated into Grade R as we begin to weave our way through the different and exciting parts that make up the most joyous day of the year.
Grade R Christmas Art
AFSA acrobatics festival
Juliet Black and Lelethu Zulu recently competed at the AFSA acrobatics festival.
AFSA acrobatics festival
Our riders have had a very busy year competing in the 4 inter school qualifiers, Gauteng Finals and the National Finals.
Inter High Athletics
The annual Inter High Athletics meet was held on 19 October at the Germiston Stadium and Brescia House School placed 4th out of 10 schools.
Inter High Athletics