
Grade 3 Spekboom Project
The Grade 3s had great fun propagating their own little Spekboom plant for our Eco Project this term.
Grade 3 Spekboom Project
South Africa Polocrosse
Congratulations to Fiona Lin on her excellent achievement in the International Polocrosse series held in July.
South Africa Polocrosse
Letters to Mandela
The Grade 2s enjoyed writing their own letters to Madiba thanking him for all he has done for us.
Letters to Mandela
Grade 3 Alice in Wonderland IBL
Our Grade 3s have just completed an Inquiry Based Learning Activity aligned with their current theme, Alice in Wonderland. The activity was an Escape Room
where the girls worked collaboratively in groups to solve the different clues.
Grade 3 Alice in Wonderland IBL
Primary School Equestrian News
Isabella Band and her pony Simply Sebastian have been chosen to represent Central Gauteng in both show jumping and equitation at the Gauteng Finals which will be held on the 30/31 July. Congratulations Bella and best of luck for the finals.
Primary School Equestrian News
High School Equestrian News
Our Equestrian pupils have had a very busy year competing in 4 Inter-School qualifiers and achieving excellent results across the different disciplines.
High School Equestrian News
Mandela Day 2022
Brescia House School once again encouraged their entire community to support the 67 Minutes for Mandela Day by using their unique skills and talents to create something for others.
Mandela Day 2022
Grade 1 Art Monet
In Grade 1, our mini-Monet’s have been hard at work creating their lily pond masterpiece. They worked collaboratively when blending and mixing colours for the pond.
Grade 1 Art Monet