
Acrosport Competition
Juliet Black recently received her Gauteng Colours for Acrosport.
Acrosport Competition
Lelethu Zulu was awarded Gauteng Colours for Acrosport at the Johannesburg Acrosport District Competition on Sunday.
Grade 1 Spelling
Our Grade 1s have been practising their spelling words by playing a game.
Grade 1 SpellingTour de Maths
On Thursday the Grade 8 to 10's went to Dainfern College for Tour de Maths.
Tour de Maths
Grade 3 and 4 Rosary Walk
Our Grade 3 and 4s walked a decade of the St Angela Rosary Walk.
Grade 3 and 4 Rosary Walk
Grade R Friendship lesson
During RE the grade Rs learnt about friends being flowers in our garden of life.
Grade R Friendship lesson